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Influence Youth to Invade Culture

It is our desire to build this church for the Next Generation. Everything we do should have them in mind. We create weekend experiences that engage our youth and preach to the level in which they can grasp it. We do not separate our High School Youth from adults during church on the weekend. We also create other environments where our youth can connect with God and each other in a way that inspires a personal relationship with Jesus and their youth leaders.  Our youth can do everything that our adults can do – worship, serve, give and lead. We believe that this church is theirs and not just for their parents! 


  • A Sunday morning experience where Middle Schoolers have a blast, receive an inspiring and creative Gospel Message, and connect to one another in a small group.
  • Every Sunday morning during our 9:00am experience
  • 6th Grade-8th Grade

Follow us: @thex_youth


  • A Sunday night group  experience where High Schoolers enjoy authentic community, make friends in their grade, and connect to one another through small groups.  
  • 6:30PM-8:30PM
  • 9th Grade-12th Grade