Coronavirus Response
Latest Update
We are currently meeting every Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am. We offer full X Kids ministry at both experiences and our Middle School Experience at the 9:00am. We have taken every precaution to make sure this new space is safe, sanitized, and socially distant during this pandemic. We are seating families at least 6′ apart from each other and have many safety protocols in place to ensure the safest atmosphere possible for everyone.
For those who are immunocompromised or not comfortable returning to a physical location yet, we will still continue to offer our same incredible Worship Experience online. Our Online Experience Times are Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am.
Outreach and ministry efforts are continually going out of our church still. Visit to continue to help us impact lives during this time.
As always, if you have any questions at all or need help during this time, fill out the Need Request Form at the bottom of this page we will do our best to help! We’ll catch you online this weekend.

Follow our social accounts for frequent updates, devotionals, and other encouragement for you and your family.
Coronavirus F.A.Q.s
Yes! We are meeting in-person at our Canal Winchester Campus. We are offering our full X Kids Ministry in a safe and sanitized way. Due to the governors mask mandate, face coverings will be required to attend.
Our Experience times on Sunday are 9:00 & 10:45am. We recommend you arrive early as we will be following certain procedures to ensure a safe, sanitized experience for your safety. If you’ve had symptoms of the virus or you’re not comfortable attending in-person right now—we will still be streaming our incredible Online Experience at our usual times on Sunday and Monday. Please visit to join us online.
We will be following all CDC recommended steps to make sure you and your family are safe at all times during our Weekend Experience. All of our Staff and Servant Leaders will be wearing masks.
When you arrive you’ll be greeted with a wave from a safe distance. Upon entering the Auditorium, you will be seated by an usher. Your family will be seated together and we will be keeping two chairs between families as well as every other row.
Our X Kids area is sanitized regularly for the protection of your children. We have limited the use of sharing of items in kids ministry to keep the experience as contactless as possible. In older ages, we separate the seats to keep kids socially distant as much as possible. As per our policy, all of our Servant Leaders will be wearing masks.
When we gather in person we will offer our entire X Kids programming and our Middle School (MS) Experience. MS will only meet during the 9:00am Experience only. Face Coverings will be required to attend for ages 10 and up.
Parents, here are some things you should know:
- There will be touchless sign-in and check-in available
- There will be mandatory temperature checks
- Games and activities will be contact-free
- Social distancing will be adhered to
- Supplies (glue, scissors, etc) will not be shared when possible
- Each room will have sanitizer stations and assigned cleaning teams
Please make sure to arrive early so you don’t miss any of the Experience. We really appreciate your patience as we work hard to make sure you and your family are safe. We’re in this together.
We ask that you pre-register your kid(s) to help us know how many are coming for each age group. Click here to pre-register.
We want to partner with parents to help them lead their children spiritually during this situation. Although we are not gathering corporately, we have provided content for parents to continue their children’s spiritual development during this time. Check out weekly resources for preschool, elementary and middle school ages on our Parent Resources page.
Here are a few things we can all do the help during this outbreak:
- The most important thing we can do right now is pray! Let’s collectively pray for those currently infected, places around the world in a far worse situation than we are in and for the quick containment of this virus.
- Don’t add to the the hysteria. Refrain from sharing anything on social media that isn’t from credible sources and helpful information to prevent the spread. This is a serious situation and we need to use wisdom. Let’s also live like we know that God is in control of our future.
- Educate yourself on the coronavirus. Here are few credible sites to find the most up-to-date information on the virus.
- Wash your hands a lot. Information was released that hand sanitizer isn’t that effective in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. The best thing we are told to prevent the spread is to wash your hands often.
- Continue to support your church family. Though we may not be able to meet in corporate gatherings right now, please continue giving online to the work of the church. We want to be able to minister to our community however is needed in the weeks to come. You can give online at or give via text to 614.524.5373.
We understand that this situation is very concerning to many people. In moments that are out of our control, the best thing we can do is trust that God is in control. While it’s easy to tell someone to just relax, the real path to peace is going to require faith and action. Here are a few things you can do everyday to help you overcome the fear and anxiety of this situation.
1) Spend some time reading God’s Word. God loves to speak to us through the reading of His Word. If you spend all of your time watching the news, it can lead to a greater level of fear and worry. Make sure you are spending time meditating on truth about who God is in these moments. Here are a few passages you could read daily to remind you of God’s goodness and sovereignty.
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 27:1
- Psalm 34:4
- Psalm 91
- Isaiah 41:10
- Matthew 6:34
- Romans 15:13
- Philippians 4:6-8
- 2 Timothy 1:7
2) Spend some time praying about your fears. Take your fears and worries and let God know about them. We don’t do this to inform God, but we do this for our own benefit. When you pray to God it allows you to release those and trust Him for the future. Don’t just worry; pray about the worry and ask God to give you his peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
3) Watch past messages. We have many messages online that you can watch or listen to that will build your faith. Click here to watch past messages.
4) Encourage others. You might be surprised what will happen to your spirit when you focus on encouraging others in this time. Text, email or call someone who might be worried and share a verse or word of encouragement with them.
Do you need help?
Have you been impacted by the effects of the coronavirus? Are you quarantined and need supplies? Are you immunocompromised, elderly or shut-in and need medicines, groceries or assistance? We’re here to help! Take a moment to let us know your need by filling out this form.